TYPE: Brand & Identity Development
CLIENT: Broosters Char-Broiled Chicken

Flamin' Chicken!

When A&M took over the rebranding and website development, Broosters Char-Broiled Chicken had already been broiling chicken over the course of two generations for more than 30 years. They realized they wanted to take the business to another level and open a franchisable location. That's when we partnered up to create a new brand from the bottom-up. We started with a new identity, color palletes and style rules to create a complete and consise style guide. Once the foundation was build, we took the new style guide and built a completely custom website.

Identity in the Making

Branding is the expression and complete visual explanation of the identity of a person, company or organization. When a company is branded well, its logo or catch-phrase is not needed for an end-user to easily associate the visuals directly with the company. Branding takes the design and implements rules and guidelines to enable the design to remain consistent and recognizable throughout the implementation. Often branding is thought solely of as logo design, but color palates, global font selection, font usage and brand shapes are strong and essential tools that work in tandem with the logo to further the identity of an organization. We specialize in listening and observing who you are, where you've been and where you are going as a company. We take that information and gather and transform a global brand. From logo design to the plain office memo, the style guide we build you will help guide design choices as your organization grows.

Manageable Site Content

When we build a custom website, we start with the design. We offer multiple wireframes and craft a site map to fit the organization's need. Once a design is settled upon, we expand the theme to all lower site pages. Then the coding begins. The development phase starts with template development and ends when we hook the code to a very easy-to-use content management system. Before we go live, we take photos, build new content and train our clients on how to use and add new content to their site.

In-Store Installations

We took Broosters' new branding and transformed the entire restaurant — from the branding on the drink cups, to color planning with chairs and wall paint to custom wall graphics. When a customer walks in to the restaurant they get the complete branded experience as they enjoy some of the best broiled chicken we've ever tasted.